

 Inna Altunashvili was born in Yekaterinburg. In 2000, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Painting and Pedagogy Voronezh Art School. From 2002 to 2010, she studied at the Faculty of Painting of the Saint Petersburg Academy of Arts named after I.E.Repin (studio under the guidance of Professor V. V. Zagonek, Professor S. D. Kichko). Her diploma painting "Warm Evening" (190x245 m.) was awarded a creative scholarship of the Union of Artists of Russia. In 2009, she was awarded the gratitude of the Russian Academy of Arts for the works provided for the exhibition "Young Talents". Since 2011, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Since 2011, he has been a teacher at the Saint-Petersburg Art College named after N.K.Roerich . Since 2007, he has been participating in the annual exhibitions of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists, in collective exhibitions of artists. Participant National and international exhibitions (Moscow, Paris, Lipetsk, Syktyvkar, Russia, Saint-Petersburg, Belgorod, Murmansk, etc.). Works are in the collection of State Museum and Exhibition Center"ROSIZO" (Moscow), in Belgorod state art Museum, State memorial historical-literary Museum-reserve of A. S. Pushkin in the Museum of the College of Chattanooga (USA), in private collections of Russia, Greece, England, China, Sweden. 

Personal exhibitions

Personal exhibition. Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"Traveling with a sketchbook" Personal exhibition. Exhibition hall of the restaurant "Dva Mu". St. Petersburg.

Group exhibitions

"Art in isolation"  Exposition and educational center of the Institute of Pedagogy of Psychology of PetrSU. (Petrozavodsk). 11.12.2020 - 10.01.2021.
"Not about war"  Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Academy of Watercolors and Fine Arts S. Andriyaki. (Moscow city). 03.09.2020-28.02.2021
"Family-soul of Russia" Museum-reserve Tsaritsino. (Moscow city).
"Autumn 2020" 13.10.2020-13.12.2020 Exhibition Center of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists. 
"ZOOART-2020" 11/24/2020 - 12/12/2020 Festival of Contemporary Animalistic Art. The building of the administration of the government of St. Petersburg.

"Dog life" 10/26/2020 - 12/18/2020 VII festival of contemporary animal art "ZOOART-2020". Center for books and graphics. 03.10.2020-14.10.2020.

“Academic dacha named after I. E. Repin " online exhibition. 05.06.2020-30.06.2025

"Unfinished Lives" Open-air exhibition space ART-POINT. Project of the STARYKH.GALLERY gallery. 09.05.2020-09.06.2020 

"Total " Exhibition of works by graduates of the Institute. I. E. Repin of the Russian Academy of Arts. 2008-2009 Art Lyceum. B.V. Ioganson (SHSH). 26.02.2020-21.03.2020

"Total" Exhibition of works by graduates of the Institute. I. E. Repin of the Russian Academy of Arts. 2008-2009 Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists. St. Petersburg. 02/04/2020 - 02/16/2020

"Exhibition in memory of the victims of the crime of genocide" Cultural Center "Vernatun" at the Armenian Cultural Center of St. Petersburg. 09.12.2019-23.12.2019

"Palette of Georgia IV" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Creative Union (IFA). 22.11.2020-05.12.2020

Interregional exhibition within the framework of the IV Belgorod Open Festival of Fine Arts in memory of the Honored Artist of Russia S.S. Kosenkov. Belgorod State Art Museum. ("Plus 30 degrees in the shade. Series 'Voronezh'")

"Dog life" IV International Festival of Contemporary Animalistic Art ZOOART.

"After the rain".  09/14/30/09/2019 "Edge of Water / Wildness of Water"

IV International Festival of Contemporary Animalistic Art ZOOART. ("Noon". Series "Voronezh". 09.2019)

"Dialogue of cultures" holiday "St. Petersburg - Our Peaceful Home", dedicated to the International Day of Peace. Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists. ("Academic Garden") 14.09-21.09.2019

"Family values" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists. ("Unlimited Internet". Series "Voronezh") 09/23 - 09/30/2019

Museum and Exhibition Center "Petersburg Artist" Washing 100 (July 25-October 15) ("Masha") 

"Family is the soul of Russia" All-Russian exhibition-competition. With the support of Svetlana Medvedeva, President of the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives.

Museum and Exhibition Center Tsaritsino. Moscow. June July. ( "Warm evening")

"China is here" ... The exhibition is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and China.

The exposition includes 70 paintings by Russian and 70 paintings by Chinese artists as part of the cultural program of the IV Russian-Chinese Business Forum and on the eve of the XXII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. ("The Hunter", "The Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Karelia") 4.06-11.07.2019

"Palette of Georgia III" City Exhibition Hall. Petrozavodsk. ("Evening", "First Snow on the White Sea", "Still Life with Sunflowers and Wild Pears", "White Night", "After the Rain"). 02.05 - 26.05. 2019

"Two capitals: Petersburg and Moscow - open-air museums" Peter and Paul Fortress, the exhibition hall of the Ioanovsky Ravelin. ("Summer Garden. First Snow")

"Spring flood" Gallery "National Center". St. Petersburg. ("33rd Spring", "Easter Still Life")

"51 Russia" exhibition-competition with the support of the A. Starykh Foundation of Arts A. Gamayunov.

"Russia XIII" All-Russian Exhibition. Moscow. CHA. ("December") 27.02-17.03. 2019

"Land of Children - 2018" Exhibition within the framework of the international music festival "Land of Children-2018". House of Composers. Saint Petersburg.

" Road to the sea " Gallery "National Center". St. Petersburg. ("White Sea", "Evening in Veliky Ustyug")

" With new happiness " Gallery "National Center". St. Petersburg. ("Party Night", "Normal Day")

"On your porch ..." Gallery "National Center". St. Petersburg. ("Russian Patterns", "Evening" (n-t)

"KARJALA. Karelia " Gallery "National Center". St. Petersburg. ("Morning", "Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Karelia") September.

"Autumn - 2018" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists. ("+ 30 degrees in the shade." Series "Voronezh")

"Portrait of a cat" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists. ("Date", "White Night")

"ART OF NATIONS" Museum of Art and Industry Academy named after A. L. Stieglitz.


"Faces of Russia" All-Russian Art Exhibition. Arkhangelsk.

"85 years of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists" Manege, Saint Petersburg.

"Dedicated to the feat of besieged Leningrad" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists

“The fortress of the spirit. Solovki " Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg. 

"Winter paints" Gallery "National Center of Finno-Ugric Peoples" St. Petersburg. 

"Portrait of a cat" Youth Center of the Petrograd region "Sereda"



"Autumn-2016" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"Spring -2016" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.


“175 years of the St. Petersburg Art School named after N.K. Roerich " Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Art School named after N.K. Roerich.

"40 years of the Voronezh Art School" Voronezh Regional State Museum. I.K. Kramskoy, Voronezh.

"Autumn-2014" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"OPEN STUDIO" Cite internationale des arts Paris. International Center for Artists. Paris.

"One thought." Exhibition for the 50th Kravtsov I.M. Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists

"Artists of the Central regions of Russia". XI interregional exhibition in Lipetsk.

"Spring 2014" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists


"Russian North". Regional art exhibition in Syktyvkar.

"Zooculture - 2013" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.


"Autumn 2012". Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"Life and Existence" Gallery "Art-Izmailovo" Izmailovo Research Museum. Moscow.

"80 years of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists." Manege, St. Petersburg.

"Spring 2012". Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"Two" Gallery "National Center of Cultures Finno-Ugric peoples ". St. Petersburg.

“Youth of St. Petersburg. Start". Annual youth exhibition. Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"Christmas Exhibition" Gallery "Easel". St. Petersburg.

"Sounds and Colors" House of Composers. Saint Petersburg.


"Autumn -2011". Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"Autumn Exhibition" Gallery "Easel". St. Petersburg.

"Be in love" Gallery "Beautiful" St. Petersburg.

"Northern Venice" Gallery "Easel". St. Petersburg.

"Easter scenes" Gallery "Easel". St. Petersburg.

"Hope 9". Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"Academic Garden" Museum-apartment of I.I. Brodsky. St. Petersburg.


"Young talents of Russia" All-Russian Art Exhibition. Moscow Central House of Artists.

"Living Spring" Museum-apartment of I.I. Brodsky. St. Petersburg.

"Journey to the White Sea" Gallery "National Center of Cultures of the Finno-Ugric Peoples".

"Heirs of the Great Art" Exhibition of diploma works. Exhibition Hall of the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts.

"Thank you village" Gallery "National Center of Cultures of the Finno-Ugric Peoples".

"Hope 8" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"The Holy Island of Valaam" Gallery "National Center of Cultures of the Finno-Ugric Peoples".

"Yako is one stone" Palace of Labor. "Echo of Rusi" Rehabilitation Center. St. Petersburg.


"Young talents" Exhibition Hall of the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts.

(Awarded with gratitude from the Russian Academy of Arts for the works provided to the exhibition).

"Winter's Tale" Holy Spiritual Center of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. St. Petersburg.

"Autumn 2009". Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"Creativity of the young" Annual Youth Art Exhibition Cultural and Exhibition Center "Eurasia".

"Easter scenes" Holy Spiritual Center of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. St. Petersburg.

"Fatherland" DK Rybatskoe. St. Petersburg.

"For the anniversary of F. Abramov" library named after F. Abramova. St. Petersburg.

"Orthodox Rus" Holy Spiritual Center of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

"The blockade through the eyes of contemporary artists" DK Rybatskoe. St. Petersburg.

"65 years of lifting the blockade of Leningrad." Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.


"A great victory" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Institute. I.E. Repin of the Russian Academy of Arts.

"Exhibition of students' summer works" Exhibition Hall of the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts.

"Andreevsky flag" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.

"Hope 6" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.


"Exhibition of students' summer works" Exhibition Hall of the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts.

"Autumn 2007" Exhibition Hall of the St. Petersburg Union of Artists.


"Exhibition of students' summer works" Exhibition Hall of the Research Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts.

"Crimean etudes" Exhibition hall of the Moscow region. Saint Petersburg.


"Exhibition of works by students of the Russian Academy of Arts" Alupka, Crimea.



"Svetogorie" Exhibition of creative works of students C